All admin commands

Original link :


First, you have to log in server with the command /admin /login password

Then, you can use the next command with the syntax : /admin /command [arguments]

Common commands :

/players -> list of players
/kick 10 -> kick player 10
/boot 10 -> =kick
/swap 10 -> change player 10's team
/ban 10 -> kick permently player 10
/unbanall -> clear ban list


/say Hello -> Print  "Admin : Hello " in chat
/warn 10 Hello -> Print "Admin : Hello" only to player 10


/addmap dea1g_ctf -> add the map " Death Star Empire CTF 1" in map list
/dropmap dea1g_ctf -> remove the map " Death Star Empire CTF 1" from the map list
/idlemap dea1g_ctf -> Set the idle map to death star

See map list to more maps id
/endgame -> end the map
/nextmap dea1g_ctf -> set the nextmap to Death Star Empire CTF 1

/bots 10 -> set number of bots to 10

/status -> show stat if your server
/version -> show the version of your server (1.0 / 1.1)

/shutdown -> close the server
/lagversion -> ?
/splitupdate -> ? mystere


/gamename "(IMPERIAL)=Public="
/password "fr" -> pw of the server ("" if not)
/adminpw "newpassword" -> Change the admin pw to newpassword
/ip ***.***.1.67
/gameport 3658
/rconport 4658
/tps 30
/playerlimit 28 -> Change the player limit
/playercount 1 -> min player for start the game
/lan 0 ->useless but 1 local game
/bandwidth 6144 -> max of host band
/netregion NA -> Origine of server (EUR for europe)
/videostd NTSC
/voicemode 2


/heroes 0 -> Enable (1) or unable (0) heroes
/hrunlock 4 -> rules for unlock heroes ((0: always, 1:capture CP, 2:kills, 3:points, 4:points of reenforcement, 5:time)
/hrplayer 6 -> assign player who have the (0: always, 1:capture CP, 2:kills, 3:points, 4:points of reenforcement, 5:time)
/hrunlockvalue 10 -> nb of kills / point / time (in s) / etc
/hrteam 1 -> rules of spawn hero 0:one team, 1:both team, 2:separate team, 3:loop team
/hrrespawn 5 -> time of the next hero re spawn


/contimelimit 20 -> time of conquest (in minutes)
/ctftimelimit 20
/assscorelimit 200
/huntimelimit 10

/ctfscorelimit 5 -> max score in ctf
/conreinforcements 300
/assreinforcements 150
/huntscorelimit 100


/awards 1 -> awards 1:yes, 0:no
/teamdamage 1 -> allow damage 1:yes, 0:no
/autoassignteams 0 -> 1:yes, 0:no
/shownames 1 -> show name of player ( 1:yes, 0:no )

/aimassist 1 -> 1:yes, 0:no (turn no to block "lock ship")
/difficulty 2 -> Difficulty of bots
/spawn 5 -> Time of spawn (in s)
/pregametime 10 -> Time before the begin of map


/conaiperteam 0 -> change the number of bots in conquest
/ctfaiperteam 0 -> in ctf
/assaiperteam 0 -> in assault


/randomize 1 -> randomize maps ( 1:yes, 0:no )

Kick and auto-kick (only on dedicated):

/kickvotethreshold 0 -> minimum of voice for kick a player (in % 0-100, 0 = no vote)
/teamvotethreshold 0 -> minimum of voice for kick a player (in % 0-100, 0 = no vote) i don't know the difference between /kickvotethreshold ant it

/autokickscore 1 -> ( 1:yes, 0:no )
/autokickscorevalue 6 -> -6 = kick

/autokickping 0 -> ( 1:yes, 0:no )
/autokickpingvalue 320 -> value of max ping
/autokickpingwarnings 1 -> nb of warning before kick